Selected Clients: Non-Profit
Joyce Cohen has worked with 350+ organizations spanning five continents over the past 25 years. Besides working with Unconventional Wisdom clients, she consulted with Career Systems Intl., MasteryWorks, Inc., Career Development Team and other consulting firms. Now, Unconventional Wisdom brings the total of that experience to a new chapter of contribution.
- 15 Federal Government Agencies: (sampling)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Dept. of Defense(DOD), Natlional Security Agency (NSA), Environmental Protection Agency(EPA), Patent and Trademark Office (PATO), Housing and Urban Development(HUD), Dept. of Education (DOE), Natl. Oceanic Atmospheric Agency (NOAA)
- Academy of Educational Development (AED) Washington, DC
- Florida Council on Aging Tallahassee, FL (FCOA)
- Pan American Health Organization Washington, DC (PAHO)
- Plan International
- Rhode Island Veteran's Home
- Smithsonian Institute Washington, DC (SI)
- Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Wilmington, NC