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Safeguarding the Intellectual Capital of Baby Boomers (for T+D Magazine)
by Beverly Kaye and Joyce Cohen

Message from Paula Ketter Editor, T+D: This article, featured in the April, 2008 issue of T+D magazine, has been produced as a podcast. Click here to listen. Please feel free to send to others or post on websites and blogs.

Remote Control? Tips to Optimize Long Distance Reporting for Engagement Minded Managers
by Joyce Cohen Sr. Consultant, Career Systems International, Inc.

I love a good Unconventional Wisdom story!

Fulfilling The "Generativity" Promise
by Joyce Cohen

A New Lease On Life...and Time to Pursue Those Dreams
by Joyce Cohen

Creating Opportunities: How to Be a Career Entrepreneur Within your Company
by Joyce Cohen

Three R's of Creative Aging: Resourcefulness, Resiliency and Renaissance Spirit
by Joyce Cohen

Life Planning: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
by Joyce Cohen

Forty Something and Daydreaming about Retiring: Start Here
by Joyce Cohen

The Balancing Act: Planning Early for Retirement Living
by Joyce Cohen 

Dear Workforce Q&A Retaining Retired Baby Boomers April 2007 Joyce Cohen & Beverly Kaye

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