"There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too. All sorts of things occur to help one that never otherwise would have occurred... Whatever you can do or dream, Begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now."

Recommended Resources

Connie Goldman Productions

Former host of National Public Radio's (NPR) All things Considered and former NPR arts reporter, Connie now produces radio specials about mid-life transition and the years beyond.  She authored six books and received Senior of the Year Award from American Society on Aging. Her most recent '09 book, Who Am I ...Now That I'm Not Who I Was  provides poignant insights to conscious aging. 


Project Renewment

Helen Dennis created the first retirement planning model for career women. She and co-author, Bernice Bratter, launched dialogue across the country through their 2009 book,  Project Renewment, and sparked Project Renewment groups nationwide for career women to explore mid-life issues and topics.


Money Habitudes™ and related workbooks

Using a fun and innovative deck of cards and related resources, Syble Solomon created Money Habitudes™ to target habits and attitudes about money and provide direction to address money issues and concerns.


Extended Family Networks (EF)

Barbara Trimble, CEO and her EF organization are devoted to helping people age on their terms offering services promoting good health, independence and engagement in life.  Ex's: transportation, medication & pain management, cleaning, prevention, errands, home safety, strength & balance, bill paying, emergency and respite care, to name a few.  EF Networks also reach out to adult children of elders...a component that  is gaining momentum nationwide. Based in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Extended Family has networks across the United States.


Live Smart! LLC
Natalie M. Lucia, Personal Medicare Advocate

Natalie Lucia oversees proper implementation of Medicare, Long Term Care (LTC)  benefits and prescription drug plans to ensure correct payment. She advocates directly with service providers,  Medicare and other insurers. Natalie has earned the trust and respect of a wide variety of clients as she takes on developing and maintaining medical records and household documents (including bill paying).   Contact Natalie directly at 203.913.5561. 

Positive Impact

MaryJane (MJ) Paris brings positive energy to the workplace in her innovative workshops, "P2P" message (people to people), activities and programs. Read her blog, book, and information through the website link.
